How To Update Samsung S5830 Galaxy Ace Firmware

How To Update Samsung S5830 Galaxy Ace Firmware

Firmware Update Steps:
  1. Run Samsung S5830 Galaxy Ace Downloader.
  2. Select OPS file : Cooper_v1.0.ops in his field.
  3. Click BOOT button and select: APBOOT_S5830xxxxx_xxx...._user_low_true.tar.md5
  4. Click Phone button and select: MODEM_S5830xxxxx_xxx...._REV03.tar.md5
  5. Click PDA button and select: CODE_S5830xxxxx_xxx...._REV03_user_low_true.tar.md5
  6. Click CSC button and select: CSC_S5830xxxxxx_xxx......_REV03_user_low_true.tar.md5
  7. Put your phone into Download Mode: Press middle Key ( OK key ) + Power + Volume Down
  8. Connect USB cable to your phone and the program must read the Com number it takes.
  9. Click Start button and the update process will start.
  10. Do not touch or remove anything till the device rebooted and you can see PASS word on the program.

S5830 Firmware:
Android 2.2.1:

Android 2.3.3: 
S5830JPKP9 Arabic
S5830JVKP2 Turkey
S5830XWKPF / XWKP5 TPL Poland (T-mobile)
S5830XWKPK / TMHKP1 Hungary (T-mobile)
S5830XWKPO / XENKP2 Netherlands
S5830XWKPO / LUXKP1 Luxembourg
S5830XWKPU / TPLKP2 Poland (T-mobile)
S5830XWKPY / OXFKP5 BHT Bosnia
S5830XWKPY / OJCKP2 XFA South Africa
S5830XWKPY / WINKP2 Italy Wind
S5830XWKS9 / KPNKP2 Netherlands KPN

Android 2.3.4:
- S5830BVKQ7 / BVKQ6 IDE Poland (Orange)
- S5830BVKQ9 / IDEKQ4 Poland (Orange)
- S5830BVKQ9 / AMNKQ4 Spain Orange
- S5830BVKQ9 / FTMKQ6 France (Orange)
S5830XWKPY / OXXKPA PAN Hungary Telenor

Android 2.3.5:
S5830BGKS5 / XECKS1 Spain Moviestar
S5830BOKS3 / DTMKS1 Germany T-Mobile
S5830BUKS2 / SFRKS2 SFR France
S5830BUKS2 / VODKS1 United Kingdom (Vodafone)
S5830BUKS2 / VGRKS3 Greece (Vodafone)
S5830BUKS2 / VDFKS1 Netherlands Vodafone
S5830JPKS2 Arabic
S5830XWKR2 / OXEKP4 SEB Baltic
S5830XWKR2 / OXFKS3 ORO Romania (Orange)
S5830XWKR2 / PROKP2 Belgium / Luxemburg
S5830XWKS2 / XENKS1 Netherlands
S5830XWKS3 / VIRKP1 United Kingdom
S5830XWKS9 / XENKS1 Netherlands
S5830XWKS9 / OXXKS2 ATO Austria
S5830XWKS9 / XSAKS4 Australia
S5830XWKSD / METKP6 Ireland (Meteor)
S5830XXKPO / SER Russia

Android 2.3.6:
S5830ANKT1 / EPLKT3 Germany E-Plus
S5830BGKT4 / XECKT4 Spain Moviestar
S5830BOLH1 / CROLG1 Croatia T-Mobile
S5830BUKT2 / SFRKT1 France SFR
S5830BVKT3 / AMNKT1 Spain (Orange)
S5830BVKT3 / FTMKT1 France (Orange)
S5830BVKT4 / ORAKT1 UK Orange
S5830BVKT5 / AMNKT2 Spain Orange
S5830BVKT6 / FTMKT3 France Orange
S5830DXKT6 / OLBKT3 THL Thailand
S5830DXKT7 / OLBKT3 XXV Vietnam
S5830FOKP1 / HEFKP2 XEF France
S5830HRKT2 / OROKT2 Romania Orange
S5830XWKPY / SEKKP6 Ukraine Complete
S5830XWKT6 / OXXKT3 TPH Portugal
S5830XWKT7 / OXFKT1 NEE Nordic countries
S5830XWKT7 / TMHKP1 Hungary T-Mobile
S5830XWKT7 / OPPKS6 Australia
S5830XWKT7/ PLSKT1 Poland
S5830XWKT7 / DBTKT1 Germany
S5830XWKTE / EPLKP3 Germany (E-Plus)
S5830XWKTQ / PRTKT3 Poland Play
S5830XWKTQ / FRELT2 France Free Mobile
S5830XWKTQ / EIRKT1 Ireland eMobile
S5830XWKTQ / METKT1 Ireland Meteor
S5830XWKTQ / O2CKT1 Czech O2
S5830XWKTQ / O2IKT1 Ireland O2
S5830XWKTQ / VIAKT3 Germany O2
S5830XWKTQ / ORSLP1 Slovakia
S5830XWKTR / XSKLI1 Slovakia
S5830XWKTR / DBTKT4 Germany
S5830WGLP2 / DORLP1 Dominican
Vikky Hamirpur 
Vipin Kumar Nishad
Kajal Communication Hamirpur (UP)


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